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Prayer Group


Why a HIS 43:19 Prayer Team?

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans" (Proverbs 16:3). We want to continue to commit HIS 43:19 Homeschool Adventures to God. 


As a group we do such a beautiful job of supporting each other in personal prayer requests. As we grow, it’s our desire to include specific prayer for the protection of our group, our families, our time together and for the leadership according to God’s plan.


"With man this is impossible, but not with God. All things are possible with God" (Mark 10:27). We take encouragement from knowing that all things are possible with God, but the first part of Jesus' response is just as important. With man alone, effective, life-changing ministry is impossible. We might see a few victories here and there, but truly God-honoring service won't happen by merely human effort. All the efforts we put into our homeschool group —planning, recruiting, communicating, discipling—will have little life-changing impact if carried out in our own strength, regardless of our level of enthusiasm or striving. These efforts are needed, but they're not enough. It's crucial that we support our group with prayer.


Prayer Group Expectations?

Our aim is to make this as easy as possible for everyone to participate, whilst ensuring our homeschool group is covered in prayer throughout the year. 


If you are interested in partnering with us, we will assign you a specific month of the year. During your assigned month you will receive a weekly prayer prompt. We ask that you please find sometime as often as you can throughout each week to actively pray for our group, members and leaders. This can be in your own time, on your own schedule. Suggested Prayer Guidelines can be found HERE

In addition, once per quarter, we would love to meet at the park for 30 min before or after park day to pray together in person, for those that can attend. This is entirely optional and you don’t have to be on the prayer team to join us.


Personal Prayer Warrior

In addition, our very own Chloe Sherrod will be available at park days to pray 1-1 with you for any personal prayer requests you might have. You can reach out to her or myself directly if you have prayer requests you would like us to pray with you or for you. This does not replace the personal group prayer requests you are welcome to submit at anytime to the group as a whole. This is simply an additional prayer option we are offering. 

Please submit prayer requests here.


We'd love to have you on the prayer team,

please email us with your interest.

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